Special products & Services for your Business
We develop a solution for your needs
PRODUCTS: Are you developing a business with a tourist attraction? Analyse the real potential revenues that could be generated; Select the proper Attractions for your target; Estimate a business plan with revenues & costs.
¿Estás desarrollando un negocio con una atracción turística? Analizar los ingresos potenciales reales que podrían generarse; Seleccione las Atracciones apropiadas para su objetivo; Estime un plan de negocios con ingresos y costos.
Stai sviluppando un’attività con un’attrazione turistica? Analizzare i potenziali ricavi reali che potrebbero essere generati; Seleziona le attrazioni appropriate per il tuo obiettivo; Stimare un piano aziendale con ricavi e costi.
Développez-vous une entreprise avec une attraction touristique? Analyser les revenus potentiels réels qui pourraient être générés; Sélectionnez les bonnes attractions pour votre cible; Estimer un plan d’affaires avec les revenus et les coûts.

Tagada manufacturing and sales
TAGADA RIDE We provide a new Tagada ride in semitrailer and park version Are you looking to purchase a new Tagada ride? You are in the ride place. We provide new Tagada ride in semitrailer and park version, complete with air system, plate with soft seats,...

OPERA Amusement Ride Maintenance
OPERA AMUSEMENT Monitor the maintenance activities of your amusement rides with one click If you are still tracking activities on paper and are having difficulty tracking which person did which check and when, then you are in the right place. Opera...

Ferris Wheels Design & Manufacturing
Are You Looking for a Ferris Wheel? We provide you with the right product to better develop your business Fabbri Rides has designed and manufacturer your R50 and R60 Ferris Wheels based on your needs and following latest international standards. Our design taking...

Mr. Enrico Fabbri graduated in the year 1988 as Mechanical Technician in Italy with skills in mechanical design, calculation and electrical. He was involved as manufacturer of amusement rides as President of Fabbri Group (Italy) till year 2016, then started a new activity about the sale of amusement rides and services in the amusement industry. Throughout over 35 years has always improved his knowledge in the amusement and entertainment business, including design, manufacturing, inspection, sales and administration.
Important Note
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